We're so happy you're here!

We're so happy you're here!

Welcome to Girls Walk Club!

We are a walking and social club for girls 20+ and up! Join us for walks, dinner dates, Taco Tuesdays, farmers markets, and more!

Find us in multiple locations across California, North Carolina, Utah, Illinois & more!






  • "Its the perfect opportunity to get connected with other like-minded girls!"

  • "Trust me, all the girls are amazing and it is everything I hoped for and more! ”

  • "It can be scary to go to something alone, but I truly felt so welcomed and included instantly."

  • "Being with the ladies and moving my body really helps set the intention for my weekend and I’m grateful for it!"

meet the founder

Hi! I'm Emily Johnston and I am beyond excited that you've discovered this club! Back in February of 2022, I decided to kick-start Girls Walk Club because I had a desire to really invest in my community and seek out friendships. You know that phase after college where everyone seems to be embarking on different paths - some tying the knot, others diving into their careers, a few even starting families, while a handful are simply rediscovering themselves? I was in the era of the ~ in-between ~ and craving girl friendships through it all. I thought, "Why not create a space where meeting girls in all of those stages of life can meet, go to fun events together, and build lasting friendships with one another?"

As a hospitality and event-planning enthusiast, I was eager to merge my two passions and establish this social club. Girls Walk Club is all about connecting like-minded individuals, fostering new relationships, and getting involved in the community. Whether it's organizing events or simply bringing incredible women together, my ultimate goal is to make this club an oasis of friendship.

If you're seeking a warm and welcoming community, filled with fantastic gals and an abundance of opportunities to explore Orange County while walking and other fun planned activities, you've come to the right place! Welcome to Girls Walk Club, where we're all about creating lasting connections and incredible memories. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

Contact us.

We are extremely grateful for the numerous opportunities to interact with our community. Please note that GWC walks and events are meticulously planned at least two months in advance and organized solely on volunteered time by our founder and ambassadors. With a substantial number of collaboration requests, kindly allow up to two weeks for our response.

Interested in collaborating or partnering up? Click on the button below and fill out the form.

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